Friday, July 12, 2013

IED Collection from SUCH! by Suci Utami

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Ramadhan Kareem, Ied Mubarak.. The Holy Ramadhan has come to us, alhamdulillah.. Happy fasting and hope we all have barokah Ramadhan..

And to welcome this holy month, Such! by Suci Utami present you our special collection for Ramadhan.. 

To see the complete collection please visit and simply filling the "ORDER FORM" to place your order. 

Despicable Me Make Up Inspired : Tutorial Twiggy Mommy Minion

Hai Ladies..
Sebelum telat demam "Despicable Me" Bannaaananannaaaa.. yang kuning unyu itu, jadi pengen nyobain make up ala minion. Kata teman-teman hasilnya jadi ga seimut minion sih.. LOL jadi nampak sebagai emak-nya minion wkkwkw.. ya sudah #pasrah. Rencananya sih pengen bikin make up ala minion dengan konsep twiggy retro.. uyeah.. entah jadinya jadi seperti itu. Mari simak langsung tutorial dan step by step nya

Peralatan Tempur
Delicate Cream Ultima Buff
Kryolan TV Paint Stick no 4
Pensil Alis Viva Coklat
LT Pro Liquid Eyeliner
Nyx jumbo eye pencil cottage cheese
Eyeshadow Inez hitam
PAC face painting warna hitam biru tua, biru muda, kuning, silver, putih
Bulu mata palsu ( Atas + bawah)

Step By Step aka. Tutorial

A. Pulaskan Nyx jumbo eye pencil sebagai base eyeshadow
B. Buat garis melengkung hitam ( pakai face painting warna hitam ) pas di kelopak mata terdalam, seolah-olah membuat bentuk imaginer mata kita bundar seperti kelereng , ini khas nya "twiggy look"
C. Blend warna hitamnya keatas pakai eyeshadow warna hitam
D. Bagian bawah mata juga diberi warna putih supaya kelopak terlihat besar. Rapikan bentuk alis, melengkung dan tebal serta pekat
F. Setelah pakai eyeliner dan ujung nya dibentuk winged.. pakaikan bulumata palsu, tapi cari yang modelnya renggang gini yah.. supay terlihat dramatis
G. Pakaikan bulu mata palsu juga dibagian bawah ( twiggy banget )

 H. Aku blend warna  biru tua + biru mudanya PAC face painting, hasilnya sama persis seperti bajunya si minion ini.
I. Tambahkan face painting warna kuning di bagian eyelid
J. Warna bibir mirip banget bajunya minion
K. Penampakan matanya
L. With Unyu-unyu minion
M. Mommy minion makeup looks

Kira-kira begitulah makeup minion ala saia. Pengen coba makeup apa lagi yah.....

Oke Ladies...
Jangan komentar kalo tu bibir mirip kaya abis ngemut stempel yak.. *keracunan*


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Tutorial Make Up Ala India aka. Bollywood

Acha Acha ladies....
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham Pyarrr.. pyarrr gelas pecah axxaxax... Halooo semuaa.. wkwkk faseh bener yak ngomong india nyakkk. LOL. Akhirnya sampai pada postingan dimana aku mencoba makeup ala india, tepatnya "Pengantin India" yang selalu tampak bling-bling dan glamour bangetss. Dan wet n wild cosmetic mempunyai motto yang sama dengan tema makeupku kali ini Wet n Wild "Glamorous Everyday, Fabulous Everyway". Mari kita mulai "Jadi Pengantin"

Wet n Wild Eyeshadow : Petal Pusher
Wet n Wild Eyeshadow : Blue Had Me At Hello ( tosca )
Mega Eyes Creme Eyeliner Wet n Wild
Wet n Wild Juicy Lip Balm SPF 15 Cherry
Wet n Wild Colour Icon Blusher 
Foundation , Nude Lipstick

1. Peralatan tempur utama kali ini adalah Wet n Wild Eyeshadow : Petal Pusher yang mempunyai warna dominan ungu dan pink keunguan. Saya akan membuat Smokey eyes untuk membentuk mata ala-ala arabian nights
2. Sapukan eyeshadow warna ungu + pink keunguan muda pada eyelid, warna muda membuat mata kita menonjol dan terkesan "belok" asal dibingkai dengan warna gelap di pinggiran mata
3. Gradasikan warna ungu tua di pojok luar, dan pink muda cenderung putih di ujung mata dalam
4. Aplikasikan warna terang di bawah tulang alis, bentuk alis menukik ( khas arab )
5. Menggantikan fungsi kajal untuk membingkai mata dengan Mega Eyes Creme Eyeliner Wet n Wild, menyeluruh dari atas dan bagian bawah mata.
6. Dibagian lluar mata, tarik garis runcing keatas .

7. Tambahkan garis hitam sejajar dengan garis lengkung kebawah, untuk menyeimbangkan bentuk mata, yang awalnya seperti ketarik ketas, gara-gara bentuk cat eyes tadi.
8. Pulaskan eyeshadow Blue Had Me At Hello ( tosca ) untuk mempercantik mata bagian bawah, btw ungu ini sangat pas jika dipadukan dengan tosca.
9. Jangan lupa ujung mata dalam dibentuk runcing ya.. karena ini adalah signature-nya + plus hidung mancung jangan lupa jugaaa
10. Voila this is it....
11. Kalian bisa melakukan shading, jika tulang pipi kurang menonjol, berhubung saya merasa ga perlu, maka saya langsung ke Wet n Wild Colour Icon Blusher .
12. Saya menggunakan nude lipstick dan terakhir dilapisi dengan Wet n Wild Juicy Lip Balm SPF 15 Cherry supaya tampak efek glossynya dan aroma cherry nya yummy

A. Percantik dengan bulu mata palsu, semakin cetar, semakin oke
B. Cari aksesoris / kalung, dengan model menggantung ditengah supaya bisa diletakkan di tengah dahi
C. Seperti itulah kira-kira akssesoris yang saya miliki
D. Penampakan jika mata merem ^^
E. Ada yang punya henna Tatto???
F. Iseng pakai henna dengan design sederhana bentuk bunga, bentuk paling dasar

Yakk.. ketahuan deh wajah plain ini xixixix


wet n wild® Beauty Ambassadors

Twitter: @wnwcosmetics
Instagram: @wnwcosmetics

Voilaa.. this is it.. next post saya akan bercerita tentang henna tatto, tutorial daily makeup dengan wet n wild, dan macam-macam model eyeliner yang bisa buat kita tampil beda, plus tutorial hijab pastinya. see you...


Friday, July 5, 2013

Talkshow with Hijabers Community Serang

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

You know what I love from my job now? I can meet new people, have new friends and share my experience that hopefully useful for others, alhamdulillah. Plus! I can always get close to my family as much as I want. That is the best thing! Alhamdulillah.. Can't stop thanking Allah SWT for giving me this opportunity..

Well anyway, another event that i got invited was a talkshow held by Hijabers Community Serang held at IAIN Serang. Actually it was a sudden call from the committee, to ask me as one their speaker for talkshow. The event was held on July 3rd, and they called me 2 days before. Wow.. Alhamdulillah I was available and can be part of this event. The event was great, the audience was sooooooooooo cool.. full of laugh, interaction, friendly, love the vibe, like sooo much! Thanks Hijabers Comm Serang for having me, it was awesome.. Nice meeting you all..

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Silaturahim with Hijabers Subang

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Another event that I got invited to, it was Silaturahim withHijabers Subang. Yes, Subang.. A small city at West Java near Purwakarta. It was my first time went there and it took us (me and hubby) about 3 hours to get there from Jakarta. We didn't bring Kenza along with us because afraid that he will get exhausted during the trip. The trip was smooth alhamdulillah and the city was so nice, the host (Hijabers Subang) was so friendly and cheerful. The event also ran smooth, alhamdulillah.. Thanks for having me..

with Hijabers Subang committee

What I wear: Basic dress, Bella outer pink, Aaliyah cashmere mustard
all by Such! by Suci Utami

Indosat Mentari "Hijab Hunt 2013"

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

It was an honor for me to be chosen as one of the keynote speaker for event with Indosat Mentari.. It was a pre-event workshop for "Hijab Hunt 2013" event. I was there to be speaker "Mix and Match" topics. Besides me, there were also other speakers such as Ahmad Farurozi from Indosat, Fifi Alvianto (blogger) and also Ghaida Tsurayya (Singer). The workshop itself took place at Cafe Demang, Sarinah Thamrin. Love the ambience, the audience, and overall it was a wonderful opportunity for me to be there, be part of this workshop. Thanks Detik and Indosat for having me.

Since I gave workshop about mix and match outfit, so I made a conceptual presentation. Jadi ceritanya the model will go to three places in one day. first she wants to hang out with her friends, and then had a meeting with her client, and after that going to her friend's wedding reception. So I prepared only one basic dress with three different outer and scarfs. Choose 1 basic dress with in trend color or yourfave color. three different outer that I brought was an oversized cardigan,a blazer and Bella outer from Such! by Suci Utami. 

Mix and match I. Hangout (informal)
1. Basic dress Mustard (coming soon at Such! by Suci Utami)
2. Oversized cardigan (Forever 21)
3. Shiffon scarf colored electric blue (Such! by Suci Utami) 

Mix and match II. Meeting (semi-formal)
1. Basic dress Mustard (coming soon at Such! by Suci Utami)
2. Ultra coat (coming soon at Such! by Suci Utami)
3. Cashmere scarf navy blue

Mix and match III. Meeting (formal)
1. Basic dress Mustard (coming soon at Such! by Suci Utami)
2. Bella Outer White (Such! by Suci Utami)
3. Victorian scarf black (Such! by Suci Utami)

Tips for you in doing mix and match with your outfit: 
1. choose maximum of three color combination in every look
2. Combine bright color with at least 1 (one) neutral color
3. Combine plain outfit with patterned scarf or vice-versa
4. Wear them with confident! when you have self-esteem, anything will look great on you.

and for your information, 

Make sure you subscribe your email address, for 100 first email that subscribed will receive 10% discount when the website is actually launched. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Before After : Quick Post Makeup and Hijab Prewedding

Order makeup dan hijab untuk prewedding indoor *susulan*
Kalian mau tutorial hijab yang bagaimana ladies? karena model hijabku sendiri kadang aku ga tau kalau suruh ngulang wkwkwk.. hanya berdasarkan perasaan aja

Tutorialnya ditunggu yaa.. maksimal akhir bulan